Introducing The Nickelodeon Vision Board

Let’s talk about a shared vision for the future!

No Child Is Born Racist: Our differences are what make us special. Let’s celebrate them.

Moving Forward: Mississippi’s new state flag inspires hope for a more accepting society, one that we can build together.

A Vision Of Fairness: Understanding microaggressions and how they affect marginalized groups.

Help Each Other Grow: You deserve to be represented, heard, safe, and loved.
Voting Rights With Yolanda Renee King
13-year-old Yolanda Renee King, the granddaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, explains the importance of voting and activism.
Super Troop
Girl Scout Troop 6000 was created to serve and empower girls experiencing homelessness in New York City by giving them a community to learn, grow, and support one another.